Studebaker Drivers Club National Meet – Timaru New Zealand 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012 08:35

The Studebakers Drivers Club of New Zealand held their 22nd Studebaker Nationals in Timaru on 6th – 9th April, 2012. Timaru is situated on the East Coast of the South Island and is the urban hub of South Canterbury. It’s rolling hills and undulating terrain were formed from the lava flows of the extinct Mt Horrible volcano. The date coincided with Easter so many members from the Queensland, NSW & Victoria Studebaker Clubs ventured across the Tasman to join the NZ Club members.
Approximately 50  Australian Studebaker enthusiasts enjoyed a fun few days.

Australian Studebaker Members in Timaru

Starting on the Thursday 6th April with registration & sales table at the Meet Headquarters “Benvenue”. The opening function and Auction was held on Friday night, 7th April at Seven Oaks Reception Centre.
On Saturday the Concours were displayed at Loop Road, Caroline Bay with 74 vehicles taking part.  A driving skills activity was part of the events for the day and a bus trip was arranged for the ladies for lunch and shoppping at Riverstone.
Saturday evening dinner was held at the Phar Lap Raceway, home of “Phar Lap”. 

Concours held at Port Loop Road, Caroline Bay

On Sunday the official photos were taken of all Studebakers parked on the edge of the Racetrack. Everyone had a ride in a Studebaker on the Sunday drive to Pleasant Point. A pleasant train ride was enjoyed by all, some even travelled 1st class all the way.  Dinner and presentations were again held at Phar Lap Raceway. All of the Australian contingent lined up for an Aussie Photo Shoot – Great photo as shown above.

Studebakers ready at the starting gate at Phar Lap Raceway

Monday morning was time to say goodbye with the farewell morning tea.
The Australian Studebaker members enjoyed the hospitality & friendship of our friends from the New Zealand Studebaker Drivers Club & will hopefully see them all again in another 2 years in the North Island.
To view more photos of the NZ National Meet, please click on Gallery

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