SCCQ Concours Run to Linville – Saturday 10th September, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022 21:01

The Club Run for the 2022 Show & Shine was a run from Old Petrie Town through Mount Mee to the Linville Hotel for lunch.

This run was a repeat of the 2021 run, which the club repeated despite the distance required. The members who attended last year gave the trip a very good review and those members who had missed this run were keen to do it for the first time.

The Saturday gave us perfect weather for a run in the country and the scenery along the way was as good as had been promised. On reaching our destination we meet several members who had come from different directions to catch up for lunch. 

We were all made very welcome by the landlords, Tracey Driver and Tanya Grimward. The sisters were very sociable and we all felt right at home in their company. The food arrived promptly and was served in generous quantities.

Catching the next day, we all agreed the Linville Hotel had done us proud and the quality of the meals and service provided certainly justified the extra kilometres required to get to Linville.  The SCCQ would certainly recommend the hotel to any clubs looking for pleasant drive to a good destination.  Please click on link below for information on the Linville Hotel.

Click here – Linville Hotel

The owners of the Linville Hotel – Tracey Driver & Tanya Grimward.



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